Monday, February 11, 2013

Music Monday Double Feature

I read The Hunger Games last year.  Despite a psychologically disturbing main theme (these are kids, people.  Kids.), I enjoyed them.  Really well written.  I resisted seeing the movie when it came out, though.  (See reason above.  Reading it is one thing, but visuals?  No thanks.)  Finally last week I was in the mood to watch something with some adrenaline to it and I knew from the books that the main character's weapon of choice is a bow, so I thought "Meh, why not?"

And I was pleasantly surprised.  I'm a fan of many of the actors, and their renditions of the characters blended seamlessly with what I saw in my head when reading the books.  It kept very well within its PG-13 rating, with the scene which I was most concerned about being very well implied and not too visually graphic.  Nicely done, Gary Ross and Lionsgate!

Here are two of the songs from the soundtrack.  I'm not a Taylor Swift fan, but I like "Safe and Sound".  I also like the folksy feel of "Kingdom Come".  Enjoy.


  1. Didn't read the book, but resisted seeing it because I figured it was another of those movies that were receiving warrented hype by the teenage crowd...watched it on a flight back from Hawaii last summer, and was very pleasantly surprised! Big fan of Jennifer Lawrence after that - just saw Silver Linings Playbook - FABULOUS! ALL of the actors, actually! Happy Monday - thanks for the tunes!

  2. Oh, Jenny I loved the music from the film too! Even the instrumental soundtrack I thought was perfect. {the book is in a whole other stratosphere of awesome, particularly number 2, which I am excited/anxious about them filming as it's my favourite and I'm not sure they will do it justice ;) }
    Also just wanted to drop you a line to thank you so much for the package!! "Effie" {named after what she is and also one Ms. Trinkett <-- I listened to the audiobook so have no idea how to spell any of the names!} is happily sat in my living room and makes me smile every time I see her. Thankyou! xxx

  3. I loved this book and movie, though the sequels took some time to come to love. I am currently in the process of getting my parents hooked on them. Its nice to have such a strong female character!

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    So nice to "meet" you!
