Monday, April 15, 2013


Our poor mailbox.  It has sweetly and patiently stood vigil at the road in front of Gran's house for many years.  It has withstood hail, tornados, scorching summers, several floods, and the baseball bats of stupid punk teenagers who don't have anything worthwhile to do on a Saturday night than destroy other people's property.

It's so pitiful, I don't even have the heart to show you a photo of it.  The door is missing, the flag rusted into place ages ago, and the numbers are broken and falling off of the post.

Of course, now that the weather has a few nice days thrown in, we are looking to fix it up replace it with a pretty new one.*  This got me thinking on some designs and I thought I would share some fantastic mailbox photos I found around the interwebs.  :)

For those who just can't let go of technology...

For the Hobby Enthusiast:

For the Geek following their Fandom...

For the Northerner who is sick of the snow and a bit stir crazy...

*Have you seen how much some of the prettier ones go for at places like Home Depot and Lowes??  $400+!  God Save The Queen, I could send each of my pen pals a letter a week for that! (Maybe.)
And I am still making up my mind on the "to get a P.O. Box or to not get a P.O. Box" question.
How's the state of your mailbox, my dear reader?


  1. Those are some awesome mailboxes!

  2. Mine is in the center of 4 mailboxes all on a single "hitching post" style mounting. No fear of baseball bats and punk teenagers.

    Just for fun, its also white with pink flowers painted on it. (this way when we moved in)

    1. It takes a secure man to fetch his mail out of a mailbox painted with pink flowers! LOL That's awesome. :) I'd have a pink one if I were allowed!

  3. fun post! We have a neighbor who everyday lugs out his mailbox to sit it on an old rusting chair.

    I might like to use this for next issue of The Woven Tale Press. But I'd need the credit urls to all the photos -- unless they're all yours and you just have really interesting mailbox neighbors?
    here's the current issue:

    email me at referencing this post.

    1. I do need to source link the photos! I was building part of this post on my phone, and I partly was in a hurry, so I will go back through and find the credits. Thanks for the reminder! I WISH I had such interesting neighbors. LOL! I'll be sending you an email shortly, once I get the edit done. :)

  4. I love the one made from an Apple computer - that's a good use for it! Ours is almost brand new, since someone backed over our old one. It's just a plain old black mailbox - a large one, though, so the mail carrier can get packages in without destroying them. I wish we lived in a neighborhood where the box would be relatively safe - I'd have a pretty one.

  5. A friend of mine just made a double mailbox that turned out beautiful. Mine is currently just a tiny box in the stairway of my apartment. :-)

    Ramblings of a Silly Girl

  6. What great mailboxes! Here in UK we just have a slot in our front doors - not quite as interesting!

  7. Like Suzanne says - in the UK we have letterboxes in our front doors (maybe because we're too lazy to have to trek outside to collect our mail!)
    I'd be concerned someone else might come along and take mail out of the roadside boxes - does that happen at all over there?

    1. TONS. It's actually one of the most used ways of identity theft. That PO Box is looking better all the time...

    2. That begs the question - why have your mailbox remote from the house? I suppose it's easier for the postman to not have to walk off the road/path up to each front door?

      My cousins in NH regularly have problems with their mailbox being knocked down on their winding access road (usually by the snow plough in winter!)

    3. Yes, because where we live is so rural, some of the houses are way back away from the main road, in the woods. It would cost more, so says the USPS who can't get their own budget in order, for the mail carriers to have to take it all the way up to the door.

  8. Such joy to look at these! LOL. Thanks for so much fun in a single post. :)

  9. Love this selection of Mailboxes. Very cool. Sorry about yours though. God bless, Maria from Delight Directed Living
