Saturday, May 4, 2013

I Take It Back, I Do NOT Want Goats!

My Gran has a large garden every year.  And just down from that garden, she used to keep chickens.  We live across the street from a horse pasture/stables, so I see horses every day.  Just down the road not even 2 miles, our neighbors have a herd of dairy cows.  So I see cows every day too.  I used to think "It would be so nice to own a couple of goats."  Right?  I could sell the milk, or use it to make soap and lotions and sell those.  You know, going back to the land and homesteading and all that.  It seemed like a good idea.  I mean, look at this face and how cute they are!


Until I found this.... 

...I think we will just go pet the goats at Zoo Atlanta's Children's Petting Zoo and call it done.  :)


  1. That video is insane!!
    I always used to joke that whenever the world got too much I was going to run away to Bulgaria and start a goat farm. But having seen that, maybe not!

  2. Those goats make me laugh!

    I just nominated you for a Liebster blog award, over on my blog. I wanted to let others know how much I enjoyed finding your blog during the A-Z challenge.

    1. Thank you! I'm off to leave a comment on your blog... :)

  3. HAHAHAHAHA - I've been following the blogs that are raising sheep and goats right now, because it's baby season - every day, while they were posting the new little ones, I would sit here and ooh and aah over them. Obviously they didn't show me the entire thing! Too funny - stick with the Zoo!
