Sunday, February 20, 2011


Last week I had to go to Michael's for something.  Emily was super good.  She will turn 3 towards the end of March and it must be completely boring for her to have to wait for grown ups all the time.  She stayed with me from aisle to aisle instead of hiding behind end-caps and didn't run amok, which is what I've seen the average 2 year old shoot for during a trip to the store.

I felt some sort of reward was in order.  Positive reenforcement.  So I went over to the $1 bins and found her a notebook that has E's all over it.  Then we went up and down the sticker aisles in the scrapbooking supplies and found cute little packs of stickers between $0.49 and $1.99.  Presto!  Instant sticker book!

Yesterday my mom wanted us to go run errands with her.  We live at the same address, but never see each other.  She wanted some time with her grandbaby too.  So we went to eat at IHOP and then popped down the road a piece to Office Depot.  I didn't need anything in Office Depot, really, so Emily and I went next door to "The Schoolbox" while mom did her office errand to wait for her there.  In about 15 minutes she came in to find us and we shopped around a few minutes together before heading to the car.  Just as we were about to leave, we saw the sticker wall.  I told her about Em's new sticker book and she wanted to get Em a sheet or two that they could do together.

While she was asking Em which ones they should get, I browsed through them myself and was so excited to find a set from my childhood!  It's one of my absolute earliest memories.  I was about 5 or 6 years old.  Mom had to work late and couldn't get a sitter for me.  I can vaguely remember sitting quietly on the floor in her office, with a sticker book and a few sheets of stickers.  But I clearly remember what the stickers looked like.  There were some fuzzy cats, some smiley faces, some scratch and sniff strawberry ones from Stickopotomus, and THESE:

I had a moment of sheer 80s joy!  Hooray for nostalgia!!! :)

So, yeah, the stickers are for her, but they are also as much fun for me! :)

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